Friday, June 19, 2015

Some positive news...

I had my rescan this past week and got a great response. Although the cancer is still present, it has not grown. The Dr's. were so impressed by my strength and walking capabilities. Having my Dr say she is blown away by how strong I am just makes me want to fight harder and get stronger. It is just so motivating to hear this. I push myself at therapy and now to see my hard work paying's just amazing, leaves me speechless. I haven't had a dr this excited about my assessment in a long time and it feels so good. It's the first time I didn't leave my appointment mad, I had a smile on my face.
 My neurosurgeon wants to do a follow up appointment to check things out. When I was first diagnosed he said it would be 2 years before I'd be up and walking. Hard work, determination, a support system and a positive attitude can get you a lot farther than laying around feeling sorry for yourself. From day 1 I knew I had to fight. 
 Cancer teaches you a lot about your will, who you are, and I think most importantly, slow down and realize what is important in life. I know I'm not the same person I was a year ago. A line has been drawn with before cancer and during cancer. I know I'll never be the same person I was before and I am okay with that. 

Thank you for the continued love, support and prayers. It is truly heartwarming having you support me.

"Victory doesn't come from a cancer free diagnosis but on how you choose to live your life while you have this disease. That is why you have to strive to be happy." ~Jose R. Arevalo, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Survivor

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