Wednesday, May 21, 2014

All things are difficult before they are easy.

Well good news travels fast.  I had my rescan yesterday and the Drs were happy with my results.  They said that from my evaluation the strength in my legs is coming along great.  I can wiggle my toes on my right side and can pull my foot back.  My left is still behind, but it is a work in progress.  As far as my tumors go, they show signs of shrinking.  The Avastin is doing its job.  They said we will proceed with this treatment and will have about 4 more.  So another 12 weeks.  I will get rescanned again July 3. 

The blood clot injections are going ok.  Pretty soon my stomach is going to look like connect the dots.  I can't wait for my trip to FL next month and show off all these bruises.  I should just be grateful I am going to FL! 

I'm looking forward to the upcoming weather this weekend!  I have started reading again and am enjoying sitting outside on the new deck.  I'm open to suggestions on books.  I read House Rules by Jodi Picoult last week and am working on Sing You Home this week.

Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers!


  1. What amazingly wonderful news Beth! So happy to hear things are looking good!! Continued prayers! Sage travels and enjoy your trip!! God bless!!

  2. Hi Beth. Just wanted to say hi and hope things are still moving forward! Continued good thoughts and prayers! God bless!!
