Monday, April 7, 2014

Just wanted to give an update on what is happening...

Tomorrow I will be flying to meet with a Dr from NYU.  He specializes in brain and spinal cord tumors.  I am hoping he will be able to provide a little more insight to the type of tumor I have and if he has any different thoughts than UPMC.  My appointment isn't until Wednesday.  I fly home Wednesday evening.

Thursday I am to start a new treatment called Avastin.  The UPMC drs believe that my tumors are inflamed by the radiation and because of this they are not able to tell if the radiation worked.  The Avastin is every 21 days for 14-16 weeks and its job is to take away the inflammation from the tumors.  If this works, the tumors should shrink.  I have another rescan date set for May 20.

As far as PT, everything is progressing very well.  I am walking with a cane with some assistance.  Today we walked about 800 feet!  I also have been working on steps, I can go up and down with little to no assistance.  My feet are slowly seeing some progress.  We have been working on pulling my feet up with the stimulation machine.  I get filled with hope that I will conquer the drop goal is by the end of the year..even if it is just on my right side!

Thank you for the love, support & prayers.  We greatly appreciate everything everyone has been doing for us.

"Sometimes all you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess.  Just breathe and have faith because miracles do happen."


  1. Continued prayers! Prayers for safe travels and good news from the NYU dr!! Praying the new meds work and do what they need to do!!

    1. Beth,
      I hope that the news you heard from the doctors was exactly what you needed to hear.
      We have never met, we have a mutual friend who has told me about your struggles and keeps me posted on your progress. I read blog and pray for healing. Tthrough all of this many lessons will be learned. I am inspired by your positive energy, and inspired by your spirit!!!
