Thursday, February 6, 2014

The man on top of the mountain didn't fall there.

So sorry I haven't updated in a few days! Being home is great, but I have a lot to get acclimated to.  We are still trying to get settled in. I've been doing okay at home getting around...I've been trying to use my walker as much as possible and only use the walker if I'm tired.

The past few days we had a home nurse, occupational therapist & physical therapist come to the house. The OT does not need to come back. My PT will be every Monday, Wednesday & Friday. I start that next week. Until I have Jon to help men work out until then.

Radiation has been going OK. Most mornings around 3am I wake up with a migraine & am extremely nauseated all morning. I still suffer from dry mouth. Today was session 12...almost half there. I have noticed more strands of hair coming out when I brush my hair. Its scary to think about but we knew it was going to happen. Whenever it does happen I decided to have Jon just buzz it all. Maybe I'll be that 1% that doesn't lose it ;) . After all, I was the 1% to have my shunt in my back fail!

I hope all of you know how thankful I am for the abundance of cards I receive daily. It is truly an encouragement for me to keep a positive outlook during this chapter of life.

       Dear God, if today I lose hope please,  remind me Your plans are better than my dreams.

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